Monday, September 1, 2008

My Strengths

A characteristic that will be a strength for me as a teacher, Is my command presence and the ability to listen to other teachers for advise. I believe that in order to be a good leader you also have to be a good follower and always lead by example. We as teachers have to be a good and positive role model for the students that we are teaching we have to always be firm, fair and consistent in order for the students to respect you as a teacher. If you become a wishy washy teacher not being consistent then you will lose their respect and they will run all over you.

A quality I have that could get in the way of me being successful at teaching, would be wanting all of the students to be successful. I know that all students can be successful however their are those who chose that they do not want to be there. I know that in reality we can not save all students, however I will always try my best to get every student to succeed even the ones who do not want to be at school. We as teachers have a responsibility to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful in their school experience even if it means that we have to adjust our teaching to each students needs, not everyone learns the same.

1 comment:

Debra Dirksen said...

Consistency is one of the key attributes of successful classroom management. I would say that your presence will also be your weakness. You need to be in charge, that's good, but you also need to be approachable, and that will be a challenge for some students. Given time, I think they'll know that you are approachable, but I think it will take time. As far as wanting students to be successful, that's a strength as long as you don't take it personally when they decide not to be successful. If you believe all students can learn, they will learn, because you will create opportunities to learn that meets their needs.